Thursday, May 29, 2014

Day #149 - An Itty Bitty One

An itty bitty grasshopper catching the early morning sun shortly after it had rained

Wednesday, May 28, 2014

Day #148 - Meet Finn

Meet Finn
He's 12wks old, he's into photography, he's absolutely adorable and he's not mine! :)

Tuesday, May 27, 2014

Day #147 - It Wasn't The Squirrels

Twice this week I have found the lid off of my bucket of fish food. Twice this week I've cleaned
it up, put the lid on tight and moved the bucket. I blamed the squirrels. I just heard noises outside
my back window and saw Zoey looking as if she was bird watching. I peeked out the window to
see what was going on and ..... It's not the squirrels gettin my fish food, it's a
big ole fat racoon!!! I cleaned the spills up for the last time, the bucket is now INSIDE!

Monday, May 26, 2014

Sunday, May 25, 2014

Day #145 - Big Cats

Yum, hmmm the little blond for dinner or dark haired little one there!! Decisions decisions! :)
One of the tigers in the new Big Cat Crossing at the Philadelphia Zoo. The animals seem to
love the new crossing, neat concept and really nice to see

Saturday, May 24, 2014

Day #144 - A Sneak Peak

A trip to the zoo with a 1 camera not working and the other with only a small lens! Ovay!
Regardless of camera issues I will say the orangutans are my favorite! I took a bunch of
pics, but haven't had time to look through them yet. I'm hoping for a least a few decent photos. Fingers crossed! 

Friday, May 23, 2014

Day #143 - Zoo Time

Cell Phone Pic
On our way to the zoo, but was stopped in a traffic jam, so took this pic of Philly out the car window

Thursday, May 22, 2014

Day #142 - A Hike Around Town

My Kind of Town

I went for a hike last Sunday with a group from our local historical society

We had a great time hiking along the tracks. These are abandoned, so no worries of getting hit by a speeding train :)

Graffiti maybe damaging, but I still like it

Standing atop the abandoned railroad bridge looking down on the Schuylkill River

The Schuylkill River

No longer on abandoned tracks here. We followed these to the Black Rock Tunnel

It's 2nd railroad tunnel ever built in America. It's now the 3rd oldest AND longest tunnel
in the country that has been in continuous since it was built which was in 1838.

Taken just before we heard whistle and chug chug chug

We stepped back and let it pass

From the tunnel we made our way Scape Level to what was known as Little Italy.

Quite a few shells like this were found along what was a road

That's Ole Jake in the window

We ended up walking down 113 and back down to the low bridge

I forget exactly what I was standing on for this pic

Ah what's this? Another abandoned bridge? I ventured across it. The creek runs under it and trees and poison ivy grow on top of it!

It was great Sunday spent traipsing around town to place I never new existed. Looking forwarded to making the trek again and soon! :)

Day #141 - A Day Late

My Kinda Town! :)

Tuesday, May 20, 2014

Day #140 - Happiness

The Blue of Happiness! :)
Pretty little thing and I found him not far from home!

Monday, May 19, 2014

Day #139 - Tweet Tweet

"well He rocks in the tree tops all day long
rockin' and boppin' and singing his song
every little bird on Jaybird Street"
Found this pretty little birdie right here in my home town :)

Sunday, May 18, 2014

Day #138 - My Town

I love exploring. Especially when you find things you never knew existed and they're within walking distance of home!! :)

Old abandoned tracks

A horn and then light and yeah we got out of the way!  This one is NOT abandoned :)


Saturday, May 17, 2014

Day #137 - Who Knew

Who knew?

Who knew groundhogs climbed trees?

Look at that little foot

It was at this point that Rima said 'I think he's stuck?' 


Maybe you're right .......

looks like he maybe losing his grip

This was just before we heard SPLASH as he tumbled and hit water below. By the time Rima and I could look, he'd scampered off. First time I'd ever seen a groundhog in a tree, ever!! Fun day exploring

Day #136 - Old Barns

I would LOVE to have an old barn, cobwebs and all! :)

Thursday, May 15, 2014

Day #135 - On This Day

Cell Phone Pic
I've walked along Chestnut Street in West Chester a 100 times and didn't notice this sign 
till today. LOL, I think it's great! :)

Wednesday, May 14, 2014

Day #134 - Weed vs. Flower

Is it a weed or is it a flower? 
Is a weed a weed because we don't like it or because the books say so. Is it a flower if we 
like it even if the books say it's a weed? Who determines whether it's a weed or a flower?

Tuesday, May 13, 2014

Day #133 - If Only I'd Had My Camera!

CCCell Phone Pics
I took the long way home and am I ever glad I did, cause looky what I saw.
The sunset was incredible. Looked like the sun was literally melting.

My cell phone just doesn't give it justice! It was BEAUTIFUL!

Monday, May 12, 2014


Someone's got something to say!

Sunday, May 11, 2014

Day #131 - Happy Mother's Day

Cell Phone Pic
Love your garden Mom, but um that's poison ivy your growing!
That should read, Happy Mother's Day, I'll get rid of that 'pretty' ivy,
so you don't get poison ivy again!! LOL! :)
Beautiful end to a GREAT weekend ..... just coming over the last hill before home!