Thursday, September 4, 2014

Day #239 & #240 - I Have A Little Problem

I'd just gotten in. I found 2 cats going nuts. I grabbed a flashlight
and looked under the radiator in the living room. What do my
 wondering eyes see? How about a freakin' mouse with big sad
eyes. The poor thing was shaking like a leaf. Damn, I ran outside
and what jumps out of my can of bird seed? How about a Jurassic
park sized raccoon! I near had a heart attack. Now I've got a
 mouse whose having a heart attack under my radiators, two cats
salivating, me with my heart pounding and ..... I need to catch a
 mouse!!!!!! HELPPPPPPP
Trying his damnedest to crawl under the radiator to get to poor Mickey
I gave up! The mouse has since disappeared and the cats? They're 
still laying right where you see them, still salivating and still 
hoping! :)

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