I am in receipt of your letter of the 7th inst & regret to learn that my son is suspected of breaking a window. I have asked him if he broke a window in the school keepers house at the Camberwell School of Art & he assures me that he has not broken a window for many months & certainly not at the above school. Your letter says the window was broken on the 11th inst (that will be next Sunday - I will keep him under lock & key that day). I think you had better let me know more exact details & in case it should be my son you had better let me know how you arrive at 13/8 for a pane of glass - was it gilt edged?
Yours Faithfully, Nathan Phillips
I am in receipt of your letter of the 16th inst. & am perfectly satisfied that my son did not break any window any where during June 1948 & certainly not at the above school. You say you have evidence. I will pay without hesitation if you can prove to me that your claim is correct. Yours Faithfully, NP
Since you now seem to have your facts correct and I feel that I am being asked to pay for something for which I am really liable, I have pleasure in enclosing herewith Cheque to the value of 13/8.
Yours Faithfully, NP