Happy Happy Birthday David!! ♥
I love my brother. I really do & I would never suggest otherwise. I remember the day he was born. Almost 5 I was & he was mine, mine to play with mine, mine to mother!
I loved you dearly David. Then things began to change. My sweet little kitten went missing. Poor little Footso was found half dead in the little trunk on the back of your tricycle after almost a week!! Mom saved my poor little Footso by wrapping him up in blankets with a hot water bottle & feeding him warm milk with a teaspoon. Little Footso made a full recovery no thanks to you. Dave, you then took that poor kitten in the bathtub with you. Scratched to bits you were & it serves you bloody well right!!! You got a Bundt pan stuck on your head when you were 2 AND I’ll never forgive you for getting your legs stuck in my favorite chair. I loved that little white chair & because you got your fat legs stuck in it, Dad had to saw it in half. You set the house on fire before you were walking, you drank Dettol and you once threw a brick up in the air and watched it come down on your head. I must say, I don’t think you’ve been quite the same since!! Despite all the horrors that you caused, I actually still love ya & am glad you’re my brudder! Happy Happy Birthday David & here’s to many many more!! Oh and as the old saying goes, paybacks are a bitch and life ain’t over yet!! HeeHee