Happy Halloweeny!
Hey, a witch crashed our campfire!! :) |
There will never be a time when I did not exist, nor in the future shall I cease to be, for we are forever.
A couple of cell phone pics from last nights paddle |
Yep, the trees really did look like this as the sun went down. Amazing sight to see when seeing it for yourself. |
The best sunsets follow a storm and last night was no disappointment |
Grainy I know, but it was really too dark to get any good pics. This was taken before the thick fog rolled in. What a great night it was! :) |
I spent the day helping out with this year's Firebird |
It was a gorgeous day, 70 and sunny and I loved it. |
Erika, my mudroom is a disaster, BUT I caught #13!! Why the mudroom? Cause that's were Zoey was when she let go of it!!!! HELP, I think I still have a mouse problem!! I snapped this pic with my phone as I was escorting it out of the house! :) |
What a gorgeous Saturday. I volunteered at the canal from 9 to 1 at their annual fall cleanup. I spent much of the time in a canoe on the other side of the lock with Carrie, 2 oars, 2 pdfs, 2 nets and the determination to get every piece of trash the eye could see. We GOT every piece of trash our eyes could see! :) |
Seen along the path to the lock tender's house |
There wasn't much that my Dad couldn't do and as much as I moaned when I heard 'Lorrie come help me with this,' I'm so glad I had no choice but to help. Thanks to Dad I put new ceiling fans in, installed a new dishwasher and, this weekend, installed insulation in the storage/eaves area of my attic. I may not be able to move right now, but will be forever grateful to my Dear Ole Dad for helping me save bundles when it comes to home moanership! He may not be here physically, but he's still 'here' helping! :) |
Hey, I KNOW you brought me cookies ..... |
This cow LOVES him some cookies!!! :) If you want to give Junior some cookies (you know he'd love your forever for it) just hop on over to Renninger's Farm and there you'll find Junior, along with a bunch of other cows and goats and they all LOVE treats and to be made a fuss of! :) |
Someone's looking comfy and I don't have the heart to get up and disturb her. Guess that makes me a sucker! :) |