Hey Dad, today's ya 73rd birthday. Not a day goes by without my thinking of you. I smile when thinking of the fun times, the silly times, curse you for not telling me to prime the whole wall and not just where I spackled when painting, laugh when I picture you sound asleep on the trolley missing your stop and me having to drive down to the next stop hoping you'd wake up enough to get off so I could then drive you home - that I might add happened on more than 1 occasion, I loved your warped sick sense of humor, I feared your temper, cursed you the time I ran out of gas on Baltimore Pike and they had to stop traffic and roll that old 67 Chevy backwards down the hill to the gas station only to be told later by you "Oh, I forgot to tell you the gas gauge doesn't work!" THANKS DAD!! I'm told we're alike in many ways - not sure if that's a good thing or a bad thing, but will take it as a compliment. ;-)
Dad Happy Happy Birthday wherever you maybe - Love Ya Lots, Miss Ya Even More and sorry for nearly blinding you that day!! xxxx
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