Sunday, April 24, 2016

Day #115 - It's Up

I was up at the farm a couple of weeks ago and Jay said 'I have a Christmas present for you.' 
What, we don't exchange gifts. Anywhichway, he then put both hands up some and 
said 'remember this, I'm a farmer NOT a carpenter. The next thing I know, he shows me 
the bird condo he made me. I was shocked, thrilled and very thankful. It was unfinished,
so I painted it, decorated it and put a copper roof on it (thanks Paul O'Leary for cutting 
the copper sheet for me). Today, I near killed myself. I put a post in the ground 
(that was the easy part) then put the house up. That sucker was HEAVY, but I did it! 
Thanks Jay, I love it. I'm hoping someone moves in soon!

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