Saturday, May 8, 2010

Hello World - Praying Mantis Style That Is!

When hatching they crawl from between the tiny flaps in the egg case and hang 
from silk threads about 2" below the case. You can see 3 of them here crawling 
out from under the flaps in this pic

You can see the silk threads in this pic too

There's 4 or 5 poking out of the flaps - they're worm like as they emerge.

They hang until they dry out and then they either fall to the ground or crawl up 
and on to the plants around them. I only saw 4 or 5 fall to the ground. The rest 
clambered up.

This was the last of the bunch. They hung out like this till they were dry 
and then they too climbed back up the silk threads and onto the plants.

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